Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Did You Get Your Classes?

I can’t even begin to express how important the day you get to pick your classes for the next year is. You see, this small act of typing a few numbers into your computer has the ability to control your happiness for entire the semester to follow. It may seem to you that I’m making this whole process out to seem much more crucial than it truly is, however, this is no exaggeration.

The moment you pick your classes, you are determining countless aspects of your life. You have to take into consideration what time you want to wake up, when you want to have lunch, whether or not you want to have breaks between your classes, how much homework you can handle each week, what your major requires you to take, how late you want to have classes until, how the professors you are choosing teaches, and (last but certainly not least) whether or not you can find a way to avoid Friday classes. Unfortunately, even if you can manage to make the perfect schedule, tending to each of the above factors, you still have to pray to the schedule gods for your classes not to fill up before you get to sign up.

The day of picking you schedule is the worst. You find yourself constantly looking at the clock, counting down the minutes until you can log into the program (which, by the way, makes the time go by even slower). Also, you can’t stop yourself from constantly checking the seats available list; just to make sure that’s there’s still room for you in your classes. If the number is smaller than the last time you checked then you freak out because some how you have rationalized that the last 12 seats are going to fill up in the next 15 minutes. Even worst, if the number is the same as the last time you checked than you begin to wonder how long it has been since the list was updated and you start to question whether the class has been filled.

But, on the bright side, if you manage to overcome all of these obstacles you may find yourself with Fridays off, time to each lunch, and a lot less stressed out than some of your friends.

11 Days Left!

With only eleven days of classes left before my summer vacation begins I don’t know whether to rejoice or crawl up in a corner and cry. While I’m sure that you can think of a few reasons why I would celebrate the near completion of this countdown, you may be questioning why the second option I listed has crossed my mind.

Let me break this thought concept down for you. Eleven days of classes can be broken down into about four more meetings of each class, four more papers (each a very import element of my GPA), two more presentations (both weighing heavily on my grades), a model of one of my designs, and the completion of all of my wood fabrication projects (which have all yet to be finished). To top it all off I also have to fit in enough time to adequately study for each of my finals. See, eleven days is a very short period of time and a seemingly endless amount of work to be done.

Today I managed to ease some of my stress by making a very detailed schedule of the next few weeks. While this deed brought me relief by making it clear that it is possible for me to complete all of these assignments, it also made it clear that free time is not a luxury I will be enjoying for some time. While I’m thankful that after a few days of hard work I can look forward to three and a half months of vacation, it still stung a little when I had to decline the invitations I was given to go to the movies and beach today.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Not Again!

The worst thing about procrastinating here in the dorms is that usually, when you’re ready to work, the internet isn’t. It’s hard enough to motivate yourself to get stuff done, but when the internet is down on top of that, Forget It!

I can’t even express the feeling that you experience when you try click on the Internet Explorer icon the night before a paper is due only for the “Error Can Not Connect” screen to up. The event is actually quite similar to that of being pulled over by the police. It’s the sudden realization that you got caught rushing something that deserves your time and concentration. As your heart drops to that uncomfortable position between your stomach and your butt, a million things run through your head; I should have know this would happen, how bad are the consequences going to be, what kind of excuse can I come up with to get me out of this situation, why me, maybe it won’t be that bad.

You would think that were college students, were smart kids, we should learn from these experiences. Next time we won’t wait until the last minute to write or reports or story. But sadly, it doesn’t work like that; as silly as it is we would rather risk the stress of experiencing such a catastrophe in the future, than do our work ahead of time.

Different Rooms for Different People

When you walk into someone’s dorm room, you never know what to expect. Everyone chooses to decorate their room differently, depending on what kind of atmosphere they work the best in or feel the most comfortable living in.

One of the most popular way students choose to decorate their room is by surrounding themselves with their past. It’s not often that I walk into a room without a single picture of the resident’s family or friends from home. Sometimes you even find their walls covered from top to bottom with these types of photographs. These sorts of people usually have some kind of scrap book in or on their desk, made for them by a loved one to remind them of all of the good times they had and that there will always be someone around to support them. Also, sentimental knick-knacks and stuffed animals are never hard to find.

Another common theme is the present. Some students choose to decorate their walls with pictures they have taken with the new friends they have made in college, and memorable quotes that they feel should never be forgotten. In fact my wall has the construction paper title of “That’s What She Said..” and is covered with random things my suitemates have said that I found unbelievably funny for one reason or another. These rooms also posses their fair share of mementos from those unforgettable times had with their new friends.

Finally, you have the rooms which are decorated just to look good. Covering their walls with the most up-to-date posters and most stylish fabrics, these people want their room to look good at all times. These are the types of rooms that when you walk into their beds are always made and everything is in its rightful place.

No matter how a person chooses to decorate their side of the room, the second you walk in, you get a good idea of what kind of person they are.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Yay Summer?

As my spring semester comes to an end I can’t help but count down the days until summer. There’s only twenty more days of classes left! However, this year I find myself in a predicament I have never faced before. Do I look forward to the end of this count down, or do I dread it?

Tradition tells me I should be excited for the summer months ahead. Ev
er since I was little I have looked forward to this vacation from teachers and homework. Summer break has always been a time to hang out with friends, sleep later, and just be lazy. In the past, summer was always a symbol of freedom.

Unfortunately, this year, summer can actually be viewed as just the opposite. Yes, there is the fact that I will no longer have to worry about the stress of classes, papers, and projects, but I fear that my lazy summer days are long gone. All the friends I have become closest with over the past year are all going back to their homes hours away from me. Also, chances are I won’t be sleeping later because I’ll be heading into work way earlier than I ever had to wake up for class. And being just plan lazy is what I did in my dorm room! During the summer I’ll have to work my butt off in order to pay for this lovely college education I am receiving. Finally I think we can throw the idea of summer freedom out, considering I am about to move back in with my parents after living on my own for the past eight and a half months.

I’m not saying that summer will be all bad. I am looking forward to seeing a lot more of my boyfriend and family who I miss very much. It’s just that I’m going to miss a lot of the aspects of this new lifestyle I have been living, and even more than that I will miss the friends I have made who have managed to become, in many ways, my family.

Monday, April 7, 2008

My Sweet Suite

When I first moved into my suite early last September, I found myself living with some strange characters. Some of which I knew I would get along with, others who I thought I was guaranteed to butt heads with, and finally a few I may have given too much credit to.

I made my initial assumptions within the first week. I had decided that one of my roommates was a cool person who I would hang out with often, while the other lacked social skills and would hopefully move out as soon as possible. I thought that one of my best friend’s roommates was a nice girl but a little uptight while the other was gorgeous, rich, and very fun loving. I came to the conclusion that the girls at the end of the hall were slightly reserved, (which is expected to happen when best friends move in together) but they would become more comfortable with me as time went on. Last, but not least, after a few loud nights I decided that the girls in 409 were the party type and it wouldn’t be long until I confronted them about their disrespect for the people they shared a suite with.

As time went on I realized that some of my assumptions couldn’t have been further from the truth. Ya, I did become close with one of my roommates, but the other never moved out as I had hoped, however she did open up a little. I was way off when it came to my best friend’s roommates. The nice girl who was slightly uptight turned out to be very dramatic and moved out because she had had “enough” of us. Oh, and the fun-loving girl, actually turned out to be an alcoholic with more issues than I could have even began to imagine. The girls at the end of the hall ended up making more friends, but not with their suitemates. And then there are the girls in 409, I couldn’t love them more. They turned out to be some of the greatest people I have ever met.

After weeding out a select few, the girls on the fourth floor have become like a family. As the year winds down it has become an unfortunate reality that I will not be living with all of these girls next year. I will have to go through this entire process again, however any new friendships I will make in the future will never compare to the ones I had with the girls in my freshman suite.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Trade Ya

Living in the dorms makes it easy to find something to do other than your homework. However, sometimes it isn’t that simple to find something fun to do. Therefore, we have to resort to extreme measures.

Lately, I have noticed that some students are even willing to work on another student’s homework rather than their own. I am aware that this type of decision doesn’t seem to make much sense. I mean, why not do your own work if you’re willing to work? It’s just that, sometimes helping someone else with their work allows you to forget about your own stressful assignments. This is, admittedly, not always the best way to manage your time.

This afternoon I actually found myself editing one of my suitemate’s papers. I chose to put two hour of my time into her paper over writing this blog. But that’s not the worst of it, it wasn’t even her assignment, she was actually working on the paper for a friend! I guess when you break it down; I edit the paper of a friend of a friend because I wanted a reason not to do my homework.

Yet, I can’t say that I haven’t benefited from this extreme form of procrastination. In fact, just last night my roommate found it better to use her time quizzing me for my midterm rather than working on her lab. I think it’s clear that college students can be quite dumb at times.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Freshman 15, Here I Come

I believe it’s safe to say that every prospective college student has heard of the in inevitable freshman 15. No one knows whether the fifteen pounds that every college student is expected to gain within their first year is from stress (due to classes or living away from home), the eating that takes place in their spare time, or even their new easy access to alcohol. However, it never comes as a surprised when they become, yet, another victim.

When I began my new living experience, I vowed to take advantage of my complimentary gym membership. Accompanied by a few of my friends I went to the gym religiously, making a point to save a time period of about an hour and a half for that specific purpose. Every day I grabbed my iPod and a bottle of water spent a good amount of time on the elliptical and working various other machines and exercises.

Unfortunately, about two months into my second semester, my dedication seemed to fade. Perhaps my seven classes were taking a toll on me or maybe the lack of results I was seeing caused me to question whether it was worth the effort. It simply seemed to me that my time might be better off spent napping than exercising. All I can say is that it made sense at the time.

Since then my New Year’s resolution and every effort I have made to work the gym back into my schedule have failed. The only thing I can do now is say, Freshman Fifteen, here I come!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

There’s No Escaping It

Procrastination is contagious in a dormitory. I always put off doing my homework until around 7:30 when I get back from dinner. I find I way to justify this decision by rationalizing that I spend all morning and most of my afternoon in classes, therefore the three hours of free time I have before dinner should be spent resting. With the appropriate amount of rest I can be completely focused on my studies later.

However, today after dinner a not so unusual thing happened. I found myself in no mood to do homework. As I walked into my suite I headed for my room, preparing to force myself to do my work, but the couch caught my eye. I thought about how funny it would be for my friend to come home from work and find it in her door way. Then I planned on stacking some chairs on top of the already strategically placed couch, but once I had all of the furniture in the hall I found it oddly cozy.

By this time I had sparked the interest of three other girls in this suite. After much consideration of what to do with our now empty common room we thought of rebuilding the beds of some of our de-tripled roommates and creating a good place to be lazy and hang out. As we reconstructed the old beds we talked of all of the homework we had been planning to do at this time.

After the beds were in place we had decided that the rest of the furniture would complement the room better. An hour later the room was done, complete with clean sheets covering every piece of dorm furniture that had been supplied to us.

Despite the completion of my masterpiece I still wasn’t done procrastinating. Before writing this blog I managed to play lacrosse in the hall, volleyball in the game room, and analyze two songs (out of pure interest). There’s no escaping procrastination in a dorm.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pee Your Pants Moments

Think that the only reason I haven’t gained the freshman fifteen yet is because of the countless times I have found myself laughing uncontrollably. I’m not talking about a little giggle here and there. Not a day goes by in the dorms where I don’t find myself in hysterics to the point where my stomach hurts. On the 4th floor we call these Pee Your Pants Moments.

Last night, this moment took place under my bed. That’s right, under my bed! With my bed on the highest notch, I find that if I lay on my stomach I can just manage to reach the bottom draw of my desk which is at a perpendicular angle to my bed. As I made this maneuver last night I found that the crate under my bed was blocking my drawer ever so slightly. As I struggled to push the crate into it’s usually position further under my bed I watched my roommate bust out in laughter. I struggled to understand why, that is until the crate flew out from under my bed and one of my suitemates crawled out and ran towards the bathroom laughing hysterically. Her plan to scare me when the lights went out had been ruined, but I think this outcome had been much more comical.

Another one of these moments, that had happened not so long ago, was a little more painful on my part. My roommate and I raced into the elevator because we wanted to watch the eclipse from the 11th floor. I don’t know why we were running so fast, I mean the actual event lasted for about four hours, but we didn’t know that at the time. Well, once we made it into the elevator my roommate was in such a rush that she accidentally pushed the HELP button. When the operator’s voice came over the intercom asking if we needed assistance, we immediately booked it out of the elevator, twice as fast as we had entered. Unfortunately, as I rounded the corner my socked feet slipped out from underneath me and I found myself laid out across the floor, a position I’m all too familiar with. Needless to say, the next place we raced to was the bathroom.

We Love the Night Life

Mornings around the dorm are usually pretty calm. Half of my suite mates are lying in bed still contemplating whether or not they are going to skip class, while the rest of us are sluggishly preparing for our first class of the day. I’ve heard stories of other suites fighting over the shower and sink space, claiming that if you don’t have a class within the next hour, then you don’t belong in the bathroom. No such fighting takes place in my dorm. We tend to stay out of each other’s way when we are heading to the shower to simple stick our head under the faucet or at the sink when we are brushing our teeth. All we try to do is look semi presentable for class, no make up for us.

Afternoons are even less eventful. Some of us are still sitting in our last class of the day, counting the minutes until we can return back to our room. Others, wh
o have completed their learning for the day, have passed out in their beds until dinner. Finally, a select few decide to take advantage of the quiet, and work on their homework before the chaos begins.

It’s not until 8:00 when everyone wakes up and the madness begins. On any given day at this time you can find any number of things happening. People getting dressed up and preparing for the many parties they plan to make an appearance at, a gathering of girls loudly discussing the day’s events and the drama that took place, or even a couple of people playing dodge ball in the hall, putting off those papers that are due in the very near future.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Extravaganza My Butt!

I honestly have to say that if there is one thing I don’t like doing each year, it would be going to the “Room Extravaganza” at Fitchburg State College. Room Extravaganza is the event at which everyone waits in line in hopes of getting a room with their friends for the next year. However, I see it more as three hours of my life spent in a claustrophobic state praying to the gods that the people who just cut me in line aren’t going to receive the last available room in my hall.

The way this event is run at Fitchburg is on a first come first come bases. People who want a room in the same resident’s hall they are currently living in can sign up at five and if you want to live in a different hall then you have to wait until eight. Why is it then that when I showed up at 3:30, I found myself at the end of a line running all the way into the bleachers? If this wasn’t bad enough, I later found out that people had been having friends hold a place in line for them, so that when it seemed that your turn could be coming up, six other people hopped in front of you. But I shouldn’t complain, one of my suite mates claimed their place in line at 10:00 this morning, and she still has another thirty minutes of waiting to do.

Other schools have a lottery system in which every students gets a number, and that’s the order in which they get to choose their room in. There are also the methods of going in order of seniority or even academic standings. Heck, if you’re going to do it by first come first serve then you should at least give everyone a number when they walk in the building!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Lock the Door?

After reading my last blog it should come as no shock to you that I don’t enjoy locking my door. As a person who hates being alone I usually welcome any company that chooses to walk through my door way. However, I have recently come to the conclusion that there are some circumstances in a college dorm room where there are consequences for leaving your door open. The most common situations that require a locked door can be broken into three categories: homework, sleeping, and television.

Have you ever tried to read a book when none of the ten other girls you live with seem to have any homework? How about writing a paper while guitar hero is being played in your common room? The fact of the matter is you just can't get work done when everyone else around you is having fun. With the help of a closed door you can at least pretend that everyone else is as miserable as you.

The next category is pretty self explanatory. No one likes to be woken up, from a much needed nap after your fourth class of the day, by overly hyper suitemate who found it fit to take a personal day and skip their classes. However, I find it much more unpleasant to be woken up by your drunken suitemate at four o’clock on a Friday morning when you have an eight o’clock class.

The final situation in which I decided you should close your door is during television. Now don’t get me wrong, not all shows deserve the honor of a closed door. But if you watching that one show a week you set time aside to be able to watch, then you certainly don’t want it ruined by an argument down the hall that managed to make its way into your room. Also, most movies require a closed door in order to be watched properly.

Nevertheless, if you don’t find yourself in one of these three positions, then I am a firm believer in the open door policy.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Alone Time? No Thank You!

In the begging of second semester, my roommates and I made a joint decision to remain living as a triple, in a room that was only meant to be a double. While the choice was partially made because I was the expanded occupant (the one who was supposed to move out), and neither of them wanted go in my place, it was also made due to the fact that we enjoyed living in our little room together. Although Krystina and I may have to share a closet, we still find that there is plenty of space for all three of us to live comfortably.

Today, while Beverly was in the library studying for her midterm and Krystina left to go home for her doctor’s appointment, I noticed something. My tiny, little dorm room can seem quite massive when I find myself alone in it. In fact, it was almost intimidating to sit on my bed, all by myself, and write this blog.

Maybe my feeling of isolation at the moment springs from the fact that I grew up in a big family. Perhaps my refusal to accept silence as peaceful and only view it as eerie is due to the fact that I once shared a room with three of my sisters. Or maybe it is because a family dinner at my house usually consists of fourteen individuals, all attempting to blurt out their stories at once.

However, I have a feeling that my detestation for seclusion does not solely derive from my family life. It is very unusual for a suite accommodating ten girls to be even remotely quiet. This is the first time all week I don’t hear someone’s music blasting in the bathroom, two girls bickering down the hall, or the laughter that usually fills my room. It is an unusual feeling, and while I realize that this may be my only chance I have to hear myself think, I find that, I don’t like it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ugh, Daka Food!

I believe that if there is one thing that all college students have in common at this time, it’s that they are sick of the food in their dining hall. It does matter how good the food may seem at the beginning of the year, by second semester they would give almost anything to walk into their cafeteria and find themselves in a not so familiar setting.

Here at Fitchburg the most commonly used name for the dining hall is Daka, although I have heard it referred to as Home’s, and Chachski’s on several occasions. With hotdogs, fries, sandwiches, hamburgers, and pizza always being an option, along with an array of more complex dishes being offered about once a week, you can’t really blame the school for our lack of excitement over the cuisine. They offer the common cooking daily to guarantee that there is always something offered that we like to eat, and they mix it up with the special meals less often so that we don’t find ourselves eating the same thing daily.

However, I still can’t help myself from utter in the words “I’m so sick of Daka food,” every time I find a piece of pizza on my plate. Also, Taco Day seemed a bit less special when I realized it was every Thursday. It makes you realize why Ramen is known as the food of college students; they would rather stay in their dorm and enjoy the same meal, then walk across campus for the same effect. I guess I should just be thankful that I always have Lemon Chicken Pasta and Chicken Catchatori Day to look forward to.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Best Friend Vs. New Friends

When choosing a college in my senior year of high school I made the decision to attend the same school as my best friend. While it may not have been the main reason I picked Fitchburg State, going to school with the bestie definitely had some appeal to it.

Having my best friend with me in my home away from home would undoubtedly make the transition to college life much easier. I would never have to worry about being a loner and not having any friends. There would always be someone around that had my back in any situation. Having a friend with me would make me more confident and more likely to make more friends. And I would never have to worry about being myself because I would already have someone with me who liked me for me. Not to mention who would make a better roommate than someone you already know everything about and loved?

Nevertheless, everything didn’t work out quite as planned. When we received our room assignments we were quite livid to find out that we were not each other’s roommates, instead we were next door neighbors. After coming to terms with this unexpected hiccup in our plans we decided to give our assigned roommates a chance. While mine turned out to be everything I had hoped for, hers was nothing short of a disappointment, and it soon became clear that she saw my new roommate as competition for her role as my best friend.

After having several discussions about the fact that no one could ever take her place as my best friend, I think that everything has worked out for the best. However, if our friendship wasn’t as strong as it is, going to school with my best friend could have very likely either prevented me from making any news friends, or ruined the best friendship I ever had.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Where's My Teddy?

It’s amazing how much college and preschool actually have in common. There’s the point that it’s the first time in your life that you’re away from your parents for a significant amount of time. It is also a process of preparing you for what’s next in your life. There’s also the fact that you constantly find yourself fighting with your new friends over their attempted use of your possessions.

However, the commonality I wish to explain in more detail is nap time. It regularly becomes unusually quite in my suite around 4:00 every afternoon. This is most likely due to the fact that we are done with classes for the day, and thanks to the late nights we have, we are exhausted. By this time most of us have set our alarms to 6:15 (dinner time) and passed out in our beds.

My roommate and I lovingly refer to this 2-3 hour time frame as Coma Time. We put on our P.J. pants we had just taken off a few hours prior and hop into bed, immediately entering an unconscious state. After sleeping through dinner a few times we made sure never to do this without setting an alarm first. I think the only difference between college and preschool students is that we look forward to this point in our day while they dread it.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Stupid Saint Valentine!

You know what sucks worse than not having a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day? Having a boyfriend, but not being able to see him on the one day a year that everyone is celebrating their relationships. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve never looked at Valentine’s Day as an important holiday, it’s just little things like that that really make me wish that I wasn’t a hundred miles away from the one guy I have ever loved.

It was scary moving to a school an hour and a half away from the boy I had been with for over a year. Were we going to be able to handle the distance? Was it going to upset him when I made guy friends? Was I worth waiting four years for? Countless questions ran through my mind as I pack my bags in early September. We must have talked about it over a billion times, but it didn’t become real until I actually made the move.

It’s been about six months since I made the jump, and it seems that long distant relationships can actually work. The first month was the hardest, going from spending all of our free time together to talking on the phone the once a day, when I managed to get away from the madness that is college life. But we’ve worked past that, making sure to talk at least once a day, and dedicating weekends to each other (meaning the small amount of time between commuting, work, and family). I know now that nothing can hurt our relationship, but still, it would be nice to spend Valentine’s Day with him.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Girl's Night In

Every group of friends has it, that show that they get together once a week to watch. For some people it’s Lost or Heroes, for others it’s Project Runway or Desperate Housewives, for my crew it’s One Tree Hill.

I had never even seen the show before I came here. Most of the time I go home on the weekends to work and see my family and friends, but one weekend I decided to stay at the dorms. With nothing better to do, one of my suitemates pulled out her entire One Tree Hill seasons collection. I spent the next two days glued to the television, completely infatuated in the lives of these characters. At one point it was so bad that I even contemplated skipping meals so that I would have more One Tree Hill time.

Girl’s Night in is now every Tuesday night at 9:00 in room N406. We fit about six of us on two beds, each in our own self-proclaimed OTH seat. We stare intently at the televisions as our favorite characters take part in this week’s adventures, muting it during commercials to discuss the scene we just witnessed, screaming and pointing at the TV as if to say “turn the volume back on,” when our favorite commercial comes on, or the show returns. I think it’s good for all college students to have that one time span a week to guarantee some time off from homework and to relieve stress.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Duct Tape Truly Can Be Used for Anything

Around the dorms you often find yourself with a little bit of free time on your hands and a lot of unexpected energy. Lucky, as college students we know how to put that time and energy together to do something productive. The product of our spare time frequently results in a good old, well thought out prank.

Small pranks are the most common, for example, the short sheeting of your roommate’s bed, or the act of flipping everything upside down in the room of your obsessive compulsive friend. Even the occasional rubber spider can provide a good laugh as long as you are as lucky as I am to be associated with someone who is afraid of everything. Heck, a little syrup on a door knob can be enjoyable if you do it to the right person.

However, it’s the big pranks that produce the greatest enjoyment. My favorite would have to be the night two of my friends and I duct taped someone’s door shut. It was late and we just weren’t in the mood to go to bed. We then decided that it would be a good idea to stretched duct tape over one of our friend’s door way. The next morning when he woke up he opened his door, still groggy eyed, and walk straight into a wall of stickiness. Taking a step back, he realized that something was blocking his path and had to cut himself out of his room with a pair of scissors. Just hearing about how he was stuck to the wall of tape for a good two minutes made my week.

Monday, February 4, 2008

One Person’s Trash Heap is Another Person’s Dorm Room

After hitting the snooze button about three times this morning, I rolled out of bed and headed into the bathroom to complete another of my morning rituals, brushing my teeth. However, when I finally decided to open my groggy eyes I wasn’t very pleased with the scene before me. The sink I was about to attempt to use wasn’t its usual white porcelain self. Instead all I could see was the remained of my suite mate’s chili cheese chips, stuffed into the drain and smeared around the entire sink.

When I was done tapping my death threat to the culprit of this disgusting mess to the mirror of the bathroom, I took a good look at my home away from home. What I saw was, without exaggeration, grotesque. The desk of one of my former roommates sat in the middle of the hallway, covered with week old trash. Three more bags were piled up next to the closet that I remember cleaning out once before, despite the fact that nothing I own is in it. Finally, the common room was covered in the wrappers of what looked like an entire weekends worth of fast food runs.

While I love the girls I live with more than anything, some of them are, for lack of a better word, slobs. Hopefully at tonight’s suite meeting, thrown by one of my fellow fed-up roommates, I will become clear that this is in fact or home, and not a dump.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow Isn’t the Only Thing Piling Up in Fitchburg

This blog was originally supposed to be dated Wednesday, January 30. However, despite my constant planning and schedule making, I was unable to fit it into my agenda yesterday. It seems to me that in college every professor likes to believe that their class is the only one you are taking.

I often find that no matter how organized I am or how quickly I choose to do the work I am assigned, there is at least one night a week in which I am bombarded with homework. That night was last night for me. One professor assigned me a forty page chapter to read and choose three questions out of, that I could expect to be on my next exam, while also researching three inventors who I might enjoy writing a much more in-depth paper on. The next class I attended resulted in the task of obtaining the deed and zoning laws of a building in Fitchburg. Where to find those I had no idea, but thank goodness I am one of the few freshman that has a car on campus. Along with the wild goose chase I was sent on, I was also expected to have the majority of the entire “A” section of my construction dictionary memorized by next class. And on top of it all I needed to catch up on a novel I managed to fall behind in for English.

Despite how impossible it all seemed at the time, I did manage to complete my work to the best of my ability. Still, my blog did have to wait until today. Maybe it’s my own fault for wanting to leave my weekends homework free. But even that doesn’t happen most of the time.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Luck of the Draw

It seems to me that there is one aspect to college life that has the majority of control over your mood. The key to making the most out of your college experience is having the right roommate. Unfortunately, freshman year, the year in which you are first trying to become comfortable in this new environment, you have no say in who this individual may be.

Having spent the better half of a year with my two roommates, I have come to realize how lucky I really am. While one of them may have an awkward odor about her, and while she does have the disgusting habit of hanging her underwear on the footboard of her bed, she mainly keeps to herself and for the most part, is on my good side. As for my other roommate, at the risk of sounding like I am in love with her, I would have to say that Krystina is my soul mate of a roommate.

While we may bicker about the fact that she is half deaf, or that she has the annoying tendency of watching three shows at the same time, constantly changing the channel, whether it’s a commercial or not; I couldn’t have asked for a better roomie. It seems that we are always in the same mood. If one of us wants it to be nap time, homework time, dinner time, movie time, go to the gym time, or play a prank on the suitemates time, the other is always all for it. I mean who else would lie in bed at night and laugh to the point where our stomachs hurt, for absolutely no reason, with me?