Tuesday, April 22, 2008

11 Days Left!

With only eleven days of classes left before my summer vacation begins I don’t know whether to rejoice or crawl up in a corner and cry. While I’m sure that you can think of a few reasons why I would celebrate the near completion of this countdown, you may be questioning why the second option I listed has crossed my mind.

Let me break this thought concept down for you. Eleven days of classes can be broken down into about four more meetings of each class, four more papers (each a very import element of my GPA), two more presentations (both weighing heavily on my grades), a model of one of my designs, and the completion of all of my wood fabrication projects (which have all yet to be finished). To top it all off I also have to fit in enough time to adequately study for each of my finals. See, eleven days is a very short period of time and a seemingly endless amount of work to be done.

Today I managed to ease some of my stress by making a very detailed schedule of the next few weeks. While this deed brought me relief by making it clear that it is possible for me to complete all of these assignments, it also made it clear that free time is not a luxury I will be enjoying for some time. While I’m thankful that after a few days of hard work I can look forward to three and a half months of vacation, it still stung a little when I had to decline the invitations I was given to go to the movies and beach today.

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