Around the dorms you often find yourself with a little bit of free time on your hands and a lot of unexpected energy. Lucky, as college students we know how to put that time and energy together to do something productive. The product of our spare time frequently results in a good old, well thought out prank.
Small pranks are the most common, for example, the short sheeting of your roommate’s bed, or the act of flipping everything upside down in the room of your obsessive compulsive friend. Even the occasional rubber spider can provide a good laugh as long as you are as lucky as I am to be associated with someone who is afraid of everything. Heck, a little syrup on a door knob can be enjoyable if you do it to the right person.
However, it’s the big pranks that produce the greatest enjoyment. My favorite would have to be the night two of my friends and I duct taped someone’s door shut. It was late and we just weren’t in the mood to go to bed. We then decided that it would be a good idea to stretched duct tape over one of our friend’s door way. The next morning when he woke up he opened his door, still groggy eyed, and walk straight into a wall of stickiness. Taking a step back, he realized that something was blocking his path and had to cut himself out of his room with a pair of scissors. Just hearing about how he was stuck to the wall of tape for a good two minutes made my week.
Small pranks are the most common, for example, the short sheeting of your roommate’s bed, or the act of flipping everything upside down in the room of your obsessive compulsive friend. Even the occasional rubber spider can provide a good laugh as long as you are as lucky as I am to be associated with someone who is afraid of everything. Heck, a little syrup on a door knob can be enjoyable if you do it to the right person.

However, it’s the big pranks that produce the greatest enjoyment. My favorite would have to be the night two of my friends and I duct taped someone’s door shut. It was late and we just weren’t in the mood to go to bed. We then decided that it would be a good idea to stretched duct tape over one of our friend’s door way. The next morning when he woke up he opened his door, still groggy eyed, and walk straight into a wall of stickiness. Taking a step back, he realized that something was blocking his path and had to cut himself out of his room with a pair of scissors. Just hearing about how he was stuck to the wall of tape for a good two minutes made my week.
This is the reason I'm sorry for not living in a suite. I'm in a hall so we don't have as many good pranks like that. Sure there will be the occasional prank, but nothing like taping a door shut, that just sounds like great memorable fun!
It is things like this that both make me wish I lived on campus, and thankful that I live at home.
Oh man, I would have loved to see that! For some reason, my mind can't come up with pranks like that...I think if I did, it could be disatsrous!
Good to know that I am not the only person that gets that done to them...of course mine had the added bonus of multiple trash bags and paper on top of the duct tape...
I guess it was revenge for me duct taping people's doors, bathroom stalls and shower stalls shut while they were in them
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