Tradition tells me I should be excited for the summer months ahead. Ev

Unfortunately, this year, summer can actually be viewed as just the opposite. Yes, there is the fact that I will no longer have to worry about the stress of classes, papers, and projects, but I fear that my lazy summer days are long gone. All the friends I have become closest with over the past year are all going back to their homes hours away from me. Also, chances are I won’t be sleeping later because I’ll be heading into work way earlier than I ever had to wake up for class. And being just plan lazy is what I did in my dorm room! During the summer I’ll have to work my butt off in order to pay for this lovely college education I am receiving. Finally I think we can throw the idea of summer freedom out, considering I am about to move back in with my parents after living on my own for the past eight and a half months.
I’m not saying that summer will be all bad. I am looking forward to seeing a lot more of my boyfriend and family who I miss very much. It’s just that I’m going to miss a lot of the aspects of this new lifestyle I have been living, and even more than that I will miss the friends I have made who have managed to become, in many ways, my family.
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