I honestly have to say that if there is one thing I don’t like doing each year, it would be going to the “Room Extravaganza” at Fitchburg State College. Room Extravaganza is the event at which everyone waits in line in hopes of getting a room with their friends for the next year. However, I see it more as three hours of my life spent in a claustrophobic state praying to the gods that the people who just cut me in line aren’t going to receive the last available room in my hall.
The way this event is run at Fitchburg is on a first come first come bases. P
eople who want a room in the same resident’s hall they are currently living in can sign up at five and if you want to live in a different hall then you have to wait until eight. Why is it then that when I showed up at 3:30, I found myself at the end of a line running all the way into the bleachers? If this wasn’t bad enough, I later found out that people had been having friends hold a place in line for them, so that when it seemed that your turn could be coming up, six other people hopped in front of you. But I shouldn’t complain, one of my suite mates claimed their place in line at 10:00 this morning, and she still has another thirty minutes of waiting to do.
Other schools have a lottery system in which every students gets a number, and that’s the order in which they get to choose their room in. There are also the methods of going in order of seniority or even academic standings. Heck, if you’re going to do it by first come first serve then you should at least give everyone a number when they walk in the building!!!